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The Microwave

February 2025
Sarasota, FL

This one I vaguely remember, as it happened when i was fairly young. I want to say 1999-2000. I was around, 11 maybe. Anway....I remember we lived in a condo at the time, my step father was a maintenance man for the owner, so he let us stay in one of the properties he owned, his name was Victor. He's long dead now... Anyway, I want to say this occurred in the morning on a Sunday. My mother and step father were watching a nascar race, and I was in my room playing my PS1. Or something like that, kid stuff. Anyway, I heard a beep. My mom and dad didn't react at first. Because they thought, perhaps it was a one off thing. But then we hear it beep, repeatedly almost like a message of some kind, well my dad took out a note pad, and he began writing down dots and dashes, thinking maybe he could call the navy and see if they could decipher the message, well he did call the navy. And they told him "we don't do Morse code anymore, we can't help you with it" well, unfortunately we never knew what the message was. If it was even a message. But we all feel like it was a message from my grandmother who passed away Valentine's day 1998.... and that's my story. To anyone whose a non believer, I used to be too. But after that....I knew there's something more to life and death.

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